Philadelphian bedroom-. -black metal. -post rock. -shoegaze.
More reverb. More droning. More lo-fi.
Lonesummer - 'There Are Few Tomorrows For Feeding Our Worries'
1. I Hope You Miss Me Now, Because I Want You To Know How Much That Hurts
2. Worries and Weariness
3. Tobacco, Gin and Bile
4. Ghost Stories
5. All My Bitterness Is Just Regret
6. The Sweetest of The Sweet Dreams
7. To Make Things Good Again
8. There Are Few Tomorrows for Feeding Our Worries
9. You're Ash To Me
10. Dream Me Free
11. Clouded Eyes and Candlelight
12. Despair Will Hold a Place In My Heart, a Bigger One Than You Do
13. ...For Just One Warm Day